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Thanks to all who attended who were:-

Back to Golf

Roy Dennis

John Berry

Clive (Shag)

Dave Bowles

Stan Hall

Dave Noakes

Roger Pudner

John Stubberfield


Ben Bishop

Dave Morphy

Ken Gifford

Meeting commenced at 8:10 pm, chaired by John Berry.

1. Election of Officers: No changes from last year:

a. Chairman – John Berry

b. Treasurer / Handicap Secretary - Roy Dennis

c. Fixtures Secretary – John Berry

d. Match Day Fees Collection – John Berry

e. Match Day Scorecards – John Stubberfield .

f. Nearest Pin fees collection – Rew Harrison

2. Membership Fees:

No change, fee would stay at £10.

3. Match Dates:

     All  matches will be 2nd Tuesday of the month except May which will be on 7th May due to coinciding with the May Tour.

4.  Venues:

     Suggestions for courses in addition to those attended last year  were:

         West Kent, North Downs, Poult Wood, Chelsfield.

         Sheerness will be our scramble In March And Canterbury moved to          Summer.

         Suggestions from Ben Bishop to venture to Essex rejected.

     5. Handicap: system will carry on with new world  handicap rules. Any new          member holding a WHP handicap can play off that but will not be able to          take a winners prize on first match.

6. Accounts: Opening bank balance for 2024  is £456.40

    A detailed balance sheet can be displayed here

6. Any Other Business: Dave Bowles updated May tour.

    Suggestions from Kojo for a WhatsApp Group for arranging transport,


    Suggestions from Ben Bishop for Pro golfer to  attend and Analyse golfers, No votes.

     Meeting closed at 9.00pm

March 12th

T. Scramble

April  9th

May 7th

 June 11th

July 9th

Aug 13th

Sept 10th

Oct 8th

Nov 12th

Dec 10th

Xmass Dinner

Proposed dates for regular matches

Apologies From: Paul Ryder, Glen Legrys, Steve Russel, Dave Burgin, Kevin Gasson, Paul, Shadlock.