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The New Handicap System is based on the latest World Handicap System 2020.

1st part:

Each Player is given Handicap index based on their best scores.

3 Games played = Lowest single score. 5 games played average of best 2 scores.

8 games played average of best 3 scores. 15 games played Average best 5 scores.

Maximum 20 games best average of best 8.

2nd part:

 Each course has a rating for difficulty known as the Slope Rating ranging from 55 to 155, the norm of your Handicap rating is based on 113.

Before playing the next match your Handicap will be adjusted up or down by the slope rating of the course to be played. Basically * index by Slope /113

Below Is the list showing Current Handicap 2nd column.

The 3rd column is your handicap index which is the one used for each game, it is 96% of Handicap.

The 4th column is based on 1 best score from 2019. (This column will eventually be deleted).

The next 20 columns are a record of your Differentials being a result from your score of the day Scrolling across to the last 2 columns will allow you to enter the slope index in the top box which will change all the Playing handicaps for that days play.

Handicap System Since 2022

Note: Updated calculation of Handicap index as from 14th July 2022.

I have made some changes as to how many low scores are selected from total scores. This changes as you play more games. The following is how I have set it at the moment.

 lowest score from first 3 games played: Average of: 2 lowest scores from 4 to 6 games played: 3 Lowest scores from 7 to 8 games played: 4 lowest scores from 9 to 11 games played: 5 lowest Scores from 12 to 14: 6 Lowest scores from 15 To 17 Games Played: Maximum of 8 lowest scores from 20 games played.

The reason for changing is to try to smooth out changes in handicap as you play more games. So if you notice your handicap lower than expected it probably due to this change.

Note 2: As from 10th May 2024. Now that the H/Cap chart has reached 20 columns, as new matches are added the first column will be deleted, This is to keep the result applicable to the last 20 scores of which your 8 best scores will be used for your handicap.

The records from the first column are over 2 years old so do not reflect your current play.

An adjustment may be made for players with less than 4 previous scores if deleting this column has a marked impact on their handicap. Also the result in the Previous Year column will be deleted for those with regular updated scores.